Esther England Endowed Excellence in Voice Scholarship

The Fund will provide a vocal scholarship to be awarded on an annual basis to an outstanding undergraduate voice student of junior or senior status, whose objective is to pursue a career in voice performance or vocal music education, and regardless of need. The student shall be in good academic standing, must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0, and possess excellent vocal potential. The scholarship may be renewable as long as the student demonstrates good progress toward his or her degree.

The selection committee shall consist of the tenure-track members of the voice faculty with the coordinator of the voice faculty serving as committee chair. In case of a tie, the director of the School of Music, or another faculty member appointed by the director, shall be called upon to cast the deciding vote. It is our intent that one meaningful award rather than two smaller awards be given, until such time as the available funding exceeds the cost of tuition and fees. At that point, a second award can be given. If the selection committee determines there is no qualified recipient, nor one who qualifies for a renewal in a given year, then the scholarship budget shall remain invested in the Fund.
